It's official ... now Blood, Sweat and Tears, have been shed !
Friday we packed up the Dakar vehicles, the race truck and support truck, ( David, one of our shippers, conked himself on the Sea Container inspection lamp, causing a small gash, on his head, which bled profusely ), but apart from the accident, it was a big success. Although David was feeling much better after a few minutes, his co-workers insisted that he go to the hospital anyway, just to be sure. At one point, we were not sure that the vehicles would fit, but after removing the rear fenders, and hood, ( which both had significant overhang ), we got everything packed up nicely with 2" to spare on either side of the race truck. I had to climb out the window on both vehicles, as the container was too tight to allow the doors to open. One step closer to the start line !
New years day is day one of the race ... I can't wait !